The Christmas Cats in Silly Hats want to spread good will and cheer at the holidays and year round. The Christmas Cats are sending you some fun games and puzzles and coloring book pages. You can learn from them, share them, and enjoy them. And they’re FREE. (FREE is always good. Just ask Mom and Dad.)
Sometimes, we might ask you to send a puzzle or coloring book page back to us via e-mail. (There may even be PRIZES!). You might need some help scanning your finished puzzle or page into your computer or Ipad to send it to us, but, when you have the new puzzle or page the way you want it, send it to: [email protected] and label it THE XMAS CATS. (We’d have you send it to, but the cats might be out on a call, helping other animals. They get pretty busy at the holidays!)
For now, we want you to send us your drawing of a good toy for each cat, or find your way out of the maze, or help the bats find their way home. And remember to try to be kind to all living creatures. Nobody wants to be around a mean kid or a bully. Be nice to your feathered and furry friends—even if some of them sometimes seem a little bit creepy.
The following pages are for you and your children to download, print out, and color. Just click on the ones you want, or you can download all at once, and then choose “Save As” when prompted. They are in PDF format.